3-5 June 2013
Overton Hotel and Conference Ctr, Lubbock TX, 79401
America/Chicago timezone
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The Effectiveness of Time-Shifting (“Flipping”) in the Moderate-Sized General Chemistry Classroom
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Content: We have time-shifted” or “flipped” the Honors General Chemistry course sequence at Texas Tech University during the 2011-12 and 2012-2013 academic years. All of the lectures were pre-recorded using the Mediasite platform and placed on Blackboard for students to watch in advance of class time. Online web learning homework assignments were used to determine if students had watched the lecture. Class time was used to summarize lectures, clear up muddy conceptual points, and work advanced problems, using a variety of modalities. The efficacy of the method was determined by giving exams that had been given to other honors classes (> 5 years previously) and comparing exam results, as well as through standardized content exams. A 40-question Leikert assessment and a 40-question free-response assessment were also given to the students in a pre-post format. Results of the various assessments, as well as the effectiveness of the method for different student cohorts will be discussed.
Summary: We have time-shifted” or “flipped” the Honors General Chemistry course sequence at Texas Tech University during the 2011-12 and 2012-2013 academic years. Results of the various assessments, as well as the effectiveness of the method for different student cohorts will be discussed.
Id: 5
Place: Overton Hotel and Conference Ctr, Lubbock TX, 79401

Starting date:
03-Jun-2013   09:25 (America/Chicago)
Duration: 15'
Contribution type: Talk
Primary Authors: Dr. CASADONTE, Dominick (Texas Tech University)
Co-Authors: GARDNER, Rachel (Texas Tech University)
HART, Robin (Texas Tech University)
Presenters: Dr. CASADONTE, Dominick
Included in session: Flipping the Classroom in the STEM Disciplines
Included in track: Flipping the Classroom in the STEM disciplines