06 October 2023
Science Building
America/Chicago timezone
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Investigating Graduate Students' Knowledge and Comprehension of Lagrangian Mechanics: Rubric Development
Over the years many different modalities have been created and studied to improve the physics classroom at the K-12 and undergraduate level. However there has been very little to no published research on how graduate students learn with these different modalities that improve the physics classroom. We have created materials to teach graduate level methods to solve classical systems through lagrangian mechanics and analyze the symmetries of the system. To analyze these materials, we are developing a rubric for analyzing answers to lagrangian mechanics problems. We are using the rubric to analyze both an inquiry-based modality and a lecture based modality.  This poster will go over the development of the materials and the application of the rubric.
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Id: 5
Place: Science Building
Texas Tech University, Physics & Astronomy 

Room: 106
Starting date:
06-Oct-2023   13:00 (America/Chicago)
Duration: 03h00'
Contribution type: Poster
Primary Authors: WIPFLI, Kyle (Texas Tech University)
Co-Authors: Dr. THACKER, Beth (Texas Tech University)
Presenters: WIPFLI, Kyle
Material: poster Poster