06 October 2023
Science Building
America/Chicago timezone
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Understanding Baryon Production in Calorimeters for High-Energy Physics: Insights from Monte Carlo Simulations
Calorimetry is one of the principal tools for investigating nature in the field of high-energy physics. This 
process operates by colliding particles on a calorimeter, a specialized detector designed to fully absorb the 
incoming particles. This collision initiates a cascade of particles, forming a shower that emits charge or light as 
it traverses the calorimeter material. This transfer of energy from particle momenta to charge or light signals
allows for the precise calculation of the shower’s total energy. 
The effectiveness of a calorimeter hinges on the type of material that is chosen. On one hand, it needs to be 
dense enough to stop the particles fully. On the other hand, a material that releases too many baryons from a 
collision can introduce noise and ‘invisible’ energy that eludes detection. This study centers on the intricate 
interplay between incoming particles and calorimeter materials. 
Employing Monte Carlo simulations with GEANT4 (a particle physics simulation toolkit), we subjected an 
array of particles to various calorimeter materials, unveiling some of the mechanisms behind baryon 
production. Our analysis reveals that the primary source of baryon production stems from the “evaporation” of 
the calorimeter material nucleus upon collision, liberating protons and neutrons. This happens at relatively low 
beam energies of around 5 GeV. A much smaller effect is the pair production of baryons in inelastic collisions. 
We also found the unaccounted “invisible” energy in the calorimeter to be proportional to the number of 
baryons produced. This suggests that at least part of this invisible energy arises from the binding energy in the 
nucleus being overcome as the nucleus evaporates into its substituent parts. This binding energy then does not 
appear as light or charge signals in the calorimeter, justifying the name ‘invisible’ energy.
Extending our investigations across various materials, including Copper, liquid Hydrogen, Uranium, and Lead, 
we found the Baryon production to increase notably with the atomic number of the material. This is consistent 
with the proton and neutron production through nucleus evaporation described above.
Though these findings may not introduce revelations in high-energy physics, they offer valuable insights into 
common processes during high-energy collisions. Documenting and archiving such simulations provide a 
valuable resource for particle physicists, aiding in informed decisions regarding calorimeter materials and 
advancing the field.
Show general info
Id: 31
Place: Science Building
Texas Tech University, Physics & Astronomy 

Room: 106
Starting date:
06-Oct-2023   13:00 (America/Chicago)
Duration: 03h00'
Contribution type: Poster
Primary Authors: SCHNEIDER, Odin (Texas Tech University)
Presenters: SCHNEIDER, Odin
Material: poster Poster