06 October 2023
Science Building
America/Chicago timezone
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Phase-dependent cyclotron line feature in XTE J1946+274: An Insight-HXMT view
XTE J1946+274 is a Be/X-ray binary (BeXRB) that was first discovered in September 1998, when 15.8s pulsations were detected using RXTE All-Sky Monitor and BATSE. This High Mass X-Ray Binary underwent a Type II outburst in June 2018 and was observed by the Chinese satellite Insight-HXMT at a flux of ~4.27 × 10-9 erg cm-2 s-1 in the range of 1 to 80 keV. The source was observed for a duration of 150 ks. This source was observed to have a spin period of 15.756 seconds. The pulse profile shows strong energy dependence with a double-peaked structure at low energies while evolving into a single-peaked structure at higher energies. The spectral continuum is described using a model consisting of a double component power-law and a black body component. We find the presence of a broad absorption-like feature at 48.3 keV and are probing to see if this is a cyclotron resonance scattering feature. 

We use the Insight-HXMT Data Analysis software hxmtsoftv2.05, CALDB 2.06, and heasoft-6.30 to analyze the observations and extract scientific products.
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Id: 29
Place: Science Building
Texas Tech University, Physics & Astronomy 

Room: 106
Starting date:
06-Oct-2023   13:00 (America/Chicago)
Duration: 03h00'
Contribution type: Poster
Primary Authors: DEVARAJ, Ashwin (Raman Research Institute)
Co-Authors: Dr. SHARMA, Rahul (Raman Research Institute)
NAGESH, Shwetha (Raman Research Institute)
Prof. PAUL, Biswajit (Raman Research Institute)
Presenters: NAGESH, Shwetha
Material: poster Poster