3-5 June 2013
Overton Hotel and Conference Ctr, Lubbock TX, 79401
America/Chicago timezone
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WORKSHOP 1: Robotics as a Way of Integrating Math and Engineering
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Content: Lego NXT robotics give students the tools to investigate "real world" applications of science and mathematics which they might not otherwise encounter in a K12 setting. One project could easily span content from computer science, physics, biology, and mathematics (just imagine trying to design a working C-3PO out of legos!) Our workshop will provide a cursory introduction to the Lego NXT robotics kits, guide participants through a number of sample classroom activities, and discuss the pedagogical strengths and weaknesses to incorporating robotics into your mathematics or science classroom. A number of "student experts" will be on-hand to answer practical questions and assist with the hands-on activities.
Id: 25
Place: Overton Hotel and Conference Ctr, Lubbock TX, 79401

Starting date:
03-Jun-2013   14:00 (America/Chicago)
Duration: 03h00'
Contribution type: Talk
Primary Authors: Dr. GALE, Richard (Texas Tech University)
Presenters: Dr. GALE, Richard
Included in session: WORKSHOP 1: Robotics as a Way of Integrating Math and Engineering