06 October 2017
Science Building
America/Chicago timezone
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Calculation of phase shifts in potential scattering
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Content: A phenomena known scattering provide standard tolls to look at a solid state system. Types of scattering include neutron, x-ray scattering ...etc. It is essential and are the most important ways to get information of the microscopic structure of quantum systems. In general, scattering is when an atom in the ground state is excited by some projectile electrons in discharge collisions with other target particles. Also, it is powerful idea in fields such as higher energy, nuclear or condensed matter physics can’t be overstated. So, scattering tell us how we can find the cross section and solve the Schrödinger equation for the wave function of quantum mechanics. Moreover, it is helping us to learn about particles physics and how we calculate phase shift in a different potential in partial wave analysis by numerically solving the radial Schrodinger equation and we use Numerov’s method to compute the wave function. Moreover, we see the result the positive and negative Yukawa potential have phase shift is positive for attractive potentials and negative for repulsive potential.
Id: 20
Place: Science Building
Texas Tech University, Physics & Astronomy Department, Box 41051, Lubbock, TX 79409-1051

Room: 103/106 - board #: G4-5
Starting date:
06-Oct-2017   14:00 (America/Chicago)
Duration: 02h00'
Presenters: ALGHASHAM, Hawra
Material: poster Poster
Included in session: Group 4