3-5 June 2013
Overton Hotel and Conference Ctr, Lubbock TX, 79401
America/Chicago timezone
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Flip Your Class! Strategies and Student Reactions to a Flipped Classroom
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Content: The flipped classroom is a revised pedagogical approach to classroom instruction that utilizes lecture-capture technologies to allow for increased quality face-to-face time. The flipped classroom eliminates the one-way learning process of the instructor reciting information to the student. The knowledge and comprehension of material is learned by the student outside of class which allows the application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of concepts the focus in a face-to-face classroom. The presenter will describe how classroom capture technology is utilized in an organic chemistry class to facilitate low-level learning outside of class. As a result, higher level problem-solving skills are addressed in the classroom in a collaborative and interactive atmosphere. Assessment strategies for information gained outside of class as well as student reactions to these strategies and the flipped classroom will be addressed.
Id: 2
Place: Overton Hotel and Conference Ctr, Lubbock TX, 79401

Starting date:
03-Jun-2013   10:40 (America/Chicago)
Duration: 25'
Contribution type: Talk
Primary Authors: Prof. BUTZLER, Kelly (Pennsylvania College of Technology)
Presenters: Prof. BUTZLER, Kelly
Included in session: Flipping the Classroom in the STEM Disciplines
Included in track: Flipping the Classroom in the STEM disciplines