PHAS Colloquia
Chandra's history and discoveries
Tuesday, 30 April 2024
at Texa sTech University ( 234 )
at Texa sTech University ( 234 )
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Speaker: Amruta Jaodand Title: Chandra’s history and discoveries Abstract: This year we celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of science with Chandra X-ray Observatory. Chandra is one of NASA's four Great Observatories and one of the three Flagship missions currently in operation. Launched in July 1999, Chandra has been revolutionary for X-ray astronomy with its unprecedented sub-arcsecond angular resolution accompanied by high-resolution (R~1000) spectroscopy. Chandra has fundamentally altered our understanding of not just our local neighbourhood but also the distant universe. To this day Chandra continues to produce incredible science in various domains of astronomy such as high energy phenomena such as birth and death of stellar objects, accretion and jets, unique transients, galaxy formation, and cosmology. In this talk, I will focus on the history of Chandra and highlights of Chandra’s discoveries thus far. Bio: Dr. Amruta Jaodand is an astrophysicist in the Chandra X-ray Center. She works in the director's office to and is involved with joint program management for Chandra and other multi-wavelength telescopes. Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the NuSTAR group at Caltech's Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy. Amruta did her PhD at University of Amsterdam. She works on observational investigations of various neutron stars such as millisecond pulsars, magnetars, gravitational wave engines and X-ray binaries with focus on transitional millisecond pulsars and multi-wavelength gravitational wave follow up. She is also very interested in astroinformatics, specifically cloud computing and machine learning for astronomy. Zoom info. Meeting ID: 929 5943 3105 Passcode: 980467 |
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