PHAS Colloquia

What is Quantum Mechanics?

by Sheldon Goldstein (Rutgers University)

Tuesday, 13 October 2020 from to (America/Chicago)
Speaker: Dr. Sheldon Goldstein (Mathematics, Physics, & Philosophy, Rutgers University)

Title: What is Quantum Mechanics?

Abstract: I will argue that the main problem with textbook quantum mechanics is not that it is unintuitive but rather that it is unprofessionally vague. I will then discuss the relationship between textbook quantum mechanics and Bohmian mechanics, a version of quantum mechanics once almost universally regarded by physicists as impossible.

About the speaker: Dr. Sheldon Goldstein is a professor of mathematics, physics, and philosophy at Rutgers University, where he has taught for more than forty years. Originally working in mathematical physics, he has focused more in recent decades on the foundations of statistical mechanics and of quantum mechanics.


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Passcode: PHAS


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