PHAS Colloquia

Layered Rare-Earth Intergrowth Compounds: A Platform for Correlated and Topological Properties

by Julia Chan (University of Texas at Dallas)

Tuesday, 29 September 2020 from to (America/Chicago)
Speaker: Dr. Julia Chan (Chemistry & Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Dallas)

Title: Layered Rare-Earth Intergrowth Compounds:  A Platform for Correlated and Topological Properties

Abstract: The discovery and characterization of novel intermetallic compounds is important for broadening the understanding of structure-property relationships of magnetic materials. Our current research interests in high correlated systems rely heavily on the intimate relationship between structure and physical properties. Likewise, the determination of anisotropic physical properties from high quality single crystals is vital in probing the intrinsic electrical and the competing magnetic interactions to understand the chemistry and physics of these materials. The discovery of novel magnetic and electronic properties in low-dimensional materials has led to the pursuit of hierarchical materials with specific substructures. Low-dimensional solids are highly anisotropic by nature and show promise in new quantum materials leading to exotic physical properties not realized in three dimensional materials. In this talk, I will highlight the crystal growth, characterization, and properties of new classes of intermetallics and the potential for compounds in reduced dimensions.

About the speaker: Professor Julia Chan (B.S. Chemistry, Baylor University; Ph.D. Chemistry, University of California at Davis) began her faculty appointment at Louisiana State University Fall 2000, after spending two years as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Associate at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory. She is currently a professor at The University of Texas at Dallas and her research effort is focused on the synthesis, crystal growth, and characterization of novel quantum materials.  She and her team have published 195 peer-reviewed journal articles and given over 150 invited talks. She has graduated 20 Ph.D. students and has mentored over 40 undergraduates in her laboratory. Her awards include:
NSF Career Award, American Crystallographic Association Margaret C. Etter Early Career Award, Baylor University Outstanding Alumni Award, Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, Iota Sigma Pi Agnes Fay Morgan Award. American Chemical Society Exxon Mobil Faculty Fellowship in Solid State Chemistry, and One of 12 Profiled in 2002 C&E News series on “Women in Chemistry”, highlighting women making an impact in the chemical sciences. In 2012, she was selected as a Southeastern Conference Academic Leadership Development Faculty Fellow. She has served on the Editorial Advisory Board of Chemistry of Materials and Inorganic Chemistry, editor of Journal of Alloys and Compounds, and currently a Deputy Editor for Science Advances (AAAS). In 2019, she was elected as Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


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Organised by Halyna Hodovanets/CMP