PHAS Colloquia

Introduction to new faculty research

by Halyna Hodovanets (Texas Tech University), Dr. Hyunsoo Kim (University of Maryland-College Park)

Tuesday, 1 September 2020 from to (America/Chicago)
First Speaker: Dr. Halyna Hodovanets (Physics & Astronomy, Texas Tech University)

Title: Single crystals: what they are, why they are important, and where to find them

Abstract: Single crystals have played an important role in technological advances. One notable example is silicon which is widely used nowadays in transistors, solar cells, semiconductor detectors, and most importantly integrated circuits used in the computer. In order to achieve a further continued technology scaling of integrated circuits or replace them with new devices, new materials are necessary. New materials are especially important for the next generation of computers-quantum computers. Weyl semimetals and superconductors are among the materials proposed to have significant potential in informational technologies and to harbor the necessary elements for quantum computing. In this talk, I will explain what single crystal is and why single crystals are preferred as opposed to polycrystalline material. I will also talk about how my group at TTU will be looking for new topological, strongly correlated, and superconducting materials suitable not only for basic science but also for technological applications. 

About the speaker: Dr. Halyna Hodovanets earned her PhD in physics at Iowa State University in 2014. She then worked as a postdoc and later as a scientist, at Maryland Quantum Materials Center at the University of Maryland (2014-2020). She joined the faculty of Texas Tech University as an Assistant Professor in the fall of 2020. Dr. Hodovanets's research activities focus on single crystal growth and characterization of Weyl semimetals and other topological systems, strongly-correlated materials, and superconductors. 


Second Speaker: Dr. Hyunsoo Kim (Physics & Astronomy, Texas Tech University)

Title: Quantum materials research - characterizations

Abstract: Quantum materials have become a testing ground for new physics. At low temperatures, the collective behaviors and quasiparticles of the many-body electronic system not only imitate the predicted exotic particles such as Weyl and Majorana fermions but exhibit the potential to realize an entirely new type of particles. Such advances in quantum material research would lead to significant progress in technology, and the materials characterization is at the heart of the research process. In this talk, I will introduce the basic and advanced characterization techniques to identify the phases of solid-state with such exotic quasiparticles. I will focus on the quasiparticles which arise from the topological phases of matter and explain how to utilize the low-temperature techniques to identify various electronic ground states such as superconductivity. I will also introduce a self-oscillating radiofrequency technique powered by an Esaki diode, which is known as a tunnel diode oscillator (TDO) technique. This technique operating at the MHz-GHz frequency range with 0.001 ppm precision is suitable for the study of the most fundamental energy and length scales of a superconductor. Lastly, I will talk about possible applications of TDO techniques to quantum information science and technology.

About the speaker: Dr. Hyunsoo Kim earned his Ph.D. in experimental condensed matter physics at Iowa State University in 2013. He then worked as a postdoctoral research associate at DOE-Ames laboratory and the University of Maryland-College Park. He later worked at Maryland Quantum Materials Center as a staff scientist before he joined the faculty of Texas Tech University as a Research Assistant Professor in the fall of 2020. Dr. Kim's research activities focus on quantum materials research and low-temperature experiment with various techniques.


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Organised by Myoung-Hwan Kim/CMP, CMP